Pure & Untouched - Supplement Industry

What's wrong with the Supplement Industry?

The supplement industry is a big business and big business never sleeps, the pressure to keep the line running twenty four seven, results in certain additives and artificial ingredients being present in your health supplements. Just look at the fineprint on the labels and you may see certain fillers, binders or anti-caking agents. Fillers, such as brown rice flour and brown rice concentrate are used to add volume to the capsule, giving an optical illusion of a full supplement. This is often used when the supplement company is using a small amount of an active ingredient but wants to show a full capsule. Anti-caking agents, such as magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide are used in 90% of supplements to act as a lubricant for machines to speed up the manufacturing process, these additives have no nutritional or healing values and could potentially cause harm. If you look at the labels of the majority of supplements and see some of the nasties below, it may be a sign that their focus is one of mass production and maximum profit.

Earths Secret will never settle for anything lower than the quality we are happy to take ourselves.


 Some Supplement Products May Contain:

  • Anti-caking Agents (Magnesium Stearate)
  • Fillers (Brown Rice Flour/Concentrate)
  • Cellulose Gum
  • Stearic Acid
  • DiCalcium Phosphate
  • Polydextrose
  • Titanium Dioxide
  • Methylcellulose
  • Stearic Acid
  • Maltodextrin


This is not an exhaustive list but covers a lot of the major offenders. Please do your homework and please be careful with what you ingest. As a last thought, there are a few Pharma products and many boutique suppliers that like us put quality first. So, just equip yourself with the knowledge listed here so you can read the labels and make informed decisions for yourself.